Mass Properties
Mass properties of 363 george st_cactus ( Part Configuration - Default )
Output coordinate System: -- default --
Density = 0.00 grams per cubic millimeter
Mass = 88230452271.40 grams
Volume = 88230452271404.05 cubic millimeters
Surface area = 24077236304.26 millimeters^2
Center of mass: ( millimeters )
X = -218.22
Y = 34750.29
Z = 1002.51
Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass.
Ix = (0.01, 1.00, -0.00) Px = 23303692473797534000.00
Iy = (-0.99, 0.01, -0.16) Py = 43403467516282307000.00
Iz = (-0.16, 0.00, 0.99) Pz = 52242281227065098000.00
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system.
Lxx = 43627492128652050000.00 Lxy = 264642394682164990.00 Lxz = 1399201849763122400.00
Lyx = 264642394682164990.00 Lyy = 23307152525042536000.00 Lyz = -38278798630603240.00
Lzx = 1399201849763122400.00 Lzy = -38278798630603240.00 Lzz = 52014796563450454000.00
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the output coordinate system.
Ixx = 150261738451140280000.00 Ixy = -404425148725707900.00 Ixz = 1379899992517341400.00
Iyx = -404425148725707900.00 Iyy = 23400027492044702000.00 Iyz = 3035442917086601200.00
Izx = 1379899992517341400.00 Izy = 3035442917086601200.00 Izz = 158564570921813840000.00
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