In experiment 2, we needed to have a look at what would happen if the results from the explosion tested in experiment 1, are placed in a real life building. This building, 363 George St, located within Sydney, is a large and commercial building with lots of floor space.
It is here, where we needed to test these explosions. First task was to model up this building within soildworks, with the hallways and corridors to be carved. This, at the start was quite challenge, but the more I used it, the easier it became.
Once complete, i was given two numbers. These two numbers were to be taken out of the building, reflecting the impact of the building as seen in experiment 1.
The two numbers were 63% and 37%
When reviewing my explosion, I noticed that it was located within a large area, and its impact was massive, with 3600¬ of damage. With this in mind, I selected the areas were there would be the most impact, the double storey room and the bottom open room. He would be the biggest impact.
When looking at the areas around this room, they all had circular corridors, and if my explosion was to occur here, naturally the impact would follow this. This way there is so much damage in the centre of the building. The damage to the exterior is because of the explosion closeness to the exterior walls.
When viewing damage from explosions, I notice a similarity, all the floors were either very damage, or were destroyed. This was the inspiration to eliminating all the floors. In my opinion, i think the result speak for themselves and creates a shocking and upsetting outcome.
The shear damage is quite extraordinary, and this is because of the damage seen in experiment 1. In experiment 1, approximately 20 explosions went off, all at once. This will naturally cause large damage, and this can be seen in my soildworks model as well as the animation that goes with it.
One may notice that parts of the building have small bits left over. This was deliberate, as I wanted to freeze the explosion in time. This may be unusual, but in my opinion is very effective. When viewing it, it can be quite disturbing and makes you feel uncomfortable. That is what my intention were.
Finally, to conclude, this task was quite frustrating at first, when you think you eliminated 5%, you actually did on 0.5%. But once I stop being conservative and went crazy, it was quite enjoyable. Overall, when comparing my experiment 1 explosion and place it into the building, i think the impact would be similar to how i modelled.