Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Week 3 Blog - Documentary file types.

To identify which category my 30 second film involving explosions around a variety of 3D objects is quite difficult, because of the shortness of the film. However if I were to lace it into any of the four types of documentary film types, I would put it into two: Exposity and Observational.

Exposity is that images serve as a counterpart to a particular argument and these images provide evidence of this particular argument or piece of evidence. How my short 30 second film fits into this category as a capture screen provides a quick explanation before such explosions occur. While it may not entirely fit into this category, it is these short caption that I think it fits into this category.

Observational is marked by long takes and is real to life. I think this is the category that this film fits in best. As I am observing these explosions through a camera from a particular distance and angle, we can technically say it is observational. However, it doesn’t contain such long cuts as observational documentaries are categories under, but contain quick and fast shots. This is due to my editing of the explosion from varies camera angles, but because we are like a fly on the wall watching these explosions, I believe it is pretty much observational.

Overall, to place such a short film in one category can be very difficult as I believe a documentary can be classified in more then one such as mine.

P.S – While it wasn’t mentioned in the lecture, I believe there is one documentary type that has exploded in the last couple of years and is now quite popular. Docudrama is basically a documentary with elements of drama, reenacting important events and may contain interviews (actors playing these people of course). One such docudrama series was the excellent BBC series Seven Wonders of the Industrial World.

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